BROZ – Regional association for nature conservation

Slovak Republic

Slovak Republic

BROZ – Regional association for nature conservation

BROZ has extensive thematic and territorial competences and experiences relevant to the project. With over 20 years of expertise in ecosystem conservation and restoration, BROZ focuses primarily on areas surrounding the Danube River, including wetlands, floodplain forests, and river sidearms. The organization is adept at implementing practical conservation actions, such as restoring traditional landscape management practices like willow pollarding, extensive livestock grazing, and reed cutting.

BROZ has a strong track record of species protection through habitat restoration, addressing species-specific needs such as those of the Pannonian root vole and Camphorosma annua. They have successfully undertaken large-scale projects to restore over 1,000 hectares of wetlands, improve water dynamics across 1,200 hectares, and plant 200,000 native trees in floodplain forests.

The organization also excels in raising public awareness and fostering environmental education through excursions, workshops, publications, and exhibitions. BROZ’s mission aligns with conserving valuable natural areas, halting habitat degradation, and preserving biodiversity, making them well-suited for the project.

In the project, BROZ will be involved in on-the-ground restoration activities, leveraging their experience in wetland and floodplain forest restoration, and contributing to public engagement and educational efforts. They will also collaborate with other project partners, sharing their knowledge and implementing conservation measures effectively.

Contact information

Address: Na Riviére 7/a, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovensko (SK)
Contact person: Stanislav Kušnier